What Pure Balance means to me

Reflecting on PB's 5th anniversary this week has led me down a path of introspection, as it always does. In the world of small businesses, where only 50% survive the first 5 years, I can't help but feel a profound sense of pride and gratitude for making it this far. But beyond the business success, it's the studio itself that fills my heart the most– the safe space it provides and the community it nurtures.

Over the past 5 years, I've witnessed not only the growth and transformation of the business but also profound changes within myself and our clients and team members. It’s these daily moments the bring me the biggest sense of gratitude.

It's the conversations and laughter with clients before and after class, the discovery of something new in my own body, the joy of watching clients step out of their comfort zones and blossom, the moments of inspiration and play with my team, and the simple, quiet moments of movement and reflection after a long day.

There's a saying that goes, "As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." When I first opened the studio, my intention was clear: to create a safe space for women of all ages, stages, and body types. A space for them to reconnect with their bodies, to be seen, heard, and loved, to feel strong, capable, and empowered, and to rediscover the sacred light within. What I didn't fully grasp back then, but am profoundly grateful for now, is how the studio has provided me with the same gifts. The truth is, this place has given back to me as much as it has given to others

In her book "The Wisdom of Your Body," Hilary McBride recounts her experience starting therapy as a teenager in the depths of an eating disorder. She described her therapist as someone who "cupped her hands around the remnant flame of spirit inside me, protecting the flickering light until it grew stronger, and then placed my own hands around the flame and made me the protector of this growing life force.”

When I opened the studio at the age of 22, I felt like that flickering ember. My connection with my own body and spirit had waned, leaving me feeling insecure both inside and out. Movement had always been my refuge, a place of healing, but I had become disconnected from that inner spark- my light, my spirit, my true self. The ember that was left was tired and hurt and in hiding.

The studio became an incubator, a sanctuary for the growing ember within me, movement acting as the oxygen and kindling that fueled its growth. It was a home for my spirit to explore taking up space in my body and the world – with my voice, my body, my energy, my soul- to practice and experience the fullness of me.

Today, the studio remains my sanctuary – a place where I am most authentically myself, deeply connected with both my inner spirit and the world around me. It stands as a testament to the profound idea that "Embodiment is a coming home, a rediscovery of our wholeness with the fullness of ourselves,” and that “transformation happens when we have a new experience of ourselves and hold our attention on it long enough to sink in.” While I can’t say that the ember within is done growing, the more I experience this profound sense of belonging within the studio, the brighter the flames become. And the brighter the flames become, the more their warmth and comfort spread into other aspects of my life.

If you've ever felt, as I did, that the inner flame within you was dwindling- tired, hurt, and/or hiding from the world- please know that I see you. And also, the truth is, our bodies are our homes, the vessels through which we experience life's joys, love, play, and pleasure. They are portals to experience the fullness of ourselves and full, vibrant lives.

My hope is that the studio can become an entryway to this portal for you as well – a place where you learn to be at home in your body and rekindle that inner flame. A space where you step into your fullness and let your light shine.

We will be there with you, gently fanning the spark and occasionally adding kindling to fuel the growth. But in the meantime, be tender with that flame. It's not because she is weak—far from it—but she may require time to flourish and explore. Give her the space she needs to feel secure while experiencing and exploring the fullness of herself. There's no rush or need to force her development. When the time is right, when she is ready, she will ignite and burn brighter than you could ever imagine.

Have trust in this process, practice patience, and nurture her with your words and actions. Listen to her, for she carries profound wisdom to share. Thank her and take pride in her existence.

Embrace her as she is, embody her in all of her fullness, and empower her to venture into the world. Allow her to be seen, heard, and loved. And may her brilliance burn so bright that it sparks that ember in those around her.

Remember, "Change happens through movement, and movement heals."- Joseph Pilates

xoxo, Ali


Embracing duality for a more Balanced life


Exploration Practices