Exploration Practices

Summer often feels adventurous and like a time to explore new things, and so it felt like a natural value for us to explore (ha, get it) this month. There are so many ways to apply this… exploring new places in town, new ways of thinking or being, parts of yourself, movement patterns, routines, habits, hobbies- the sky is the limit!

The most basic definition of Exploration is “ The act or instance of exploring” but can have many different meanings depending on the context. It can mean venturing into the unknown, systematic investigation, discovery, the pursuit of knowledge, delving in to ones emotions, thoughts, or experiences, seeking and expressing new concepts, examination, curiosity, learning.

Exploration can foster personal growth and help you gain gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your capabilities. It cultivates curiosity and increases adaptability and resilience skills. It can spark creativity and innovation. It can help cultivate empathy, understanding, and appreciation for other cultures and people. It can lead to deeper connections and building community.

When we look at the more physical benefits… it often stimulates your brain in a way that improves cognition, memory, and mental agility. It decreases stress. Exploring different types of movements can stimulate and work your muscles, tissues, and bones in a new way, building strength, stability and adaptability.

Over all… it decreases stress, increases happiness, and can even improve self esteem.

Exploration is based in curiosity. I think so often when we think about health and wellbeing, we think of things very rigidly/ with almost too much structure which can lead to us attaching morality to the outcome. Think pass/fail good/bad right/wrong. The idea of exploring new things feels a bit more low pressure… there’s less commitment, you’re just exploring and if you don’t like something, you can pivot back with whatever information you can learn.

So without further ado, here are 25 ways you can cultivate more exploration this month!

  1. Explore a new place in Athens (or wherever you live) or nearby.

    • Try making a list of 5 places nearby that you’ve always wanted to visit, and sprinkle them throughout your summer! Here are some of our faves in the Athens area- Sandy Creek, the Iron Horse, Ben Burton Park, Bear Hollow, Botanical Gardens, Farmers Market

  2. Try a new hobby or activity.

    • Is there a hobby or activity that has always made you think “hmmm, that seems fun/interesting” but you’ve been to scared to try? Or just thought you didn’t have the time? Give it a whirl this summer! Dance classes, knitting, tennis, painting… again- the sky’s the limit! If you’re in the Athens area, try dance class at The Studio, an Aerial class at Canopy, or grab some friends for a game of soccer or tennis at the intramural fields!

  3. Play 21 questions with your partner, roommate, family, or friends. This is a great way to explore and build deeper connection with the most important people in your life!

  4. Walk barefoot.

    • This one sounds so simple… yet can be so amazing for your nervous system. Take your time and focus on the FEELING of the earth beneath your feet. Take out the air pods, listen to the sounds around you. Take in the sights. Explore the environment you are in with all of your senses!

  5. Massage lotion on your whole body.

    • Take your time, move slow, and actually FEEL your body under your hands. FEEL your hands on your body. Maybe even close your eyes. Getting to know your body with a sensation other than your sight can be really profound- especially in our society that values the way we look so much.

  6. Sit with your eyes closed and FEEL your body (seeing a theme with the FEELING thing yet?). This time not through touch but with what I like to call your 6th sense- interoceptive awareness.

    • Close your eyes, settle in to your breath, and notice what you can feel within your body. Start at your head or feet and work your way all the way through your body. Notice with a neutrality whenever you can- there is no morality to your feelings or the sensations you feel. Exploring this 6th sense can make it stronger like a muscle, and deepen your connection with yourself.

  7. Savor a meal. I mean really savor it. No TV or distractions. Slow down. Notice the textures. The flavors. The layers. The smells. The tastes. And ENJOY.

  8. Wear something new.

    • That dress you’ve seen online and always stare at longingly thinking “ I just could never where that- I couldn’t pull it off.” Order it. Wear it. Even just around your house. Just explore what it would be like to dress differently… you might surprise yourself!

  9. Explore your emotions.

    • More often than not, we don’t actually know what emotion we are feeling. We may say or think “I’m angry,” but that could mean a lot of different things… are you frustrated? Hurt? Betrayed? Use an emotions wheel to get clear on your feelings. As emotions pop up, slow down, get curious, and explore what you are feeling. You can do this internally, through journaling, or through discussion with a close family member or friend.

  10. Check in with yourself in the morning.

    • How are you feeling? And not just “good, fine, or ehh” Go a little deeper. How are your energy levels? How does your body feel, physically? How do you feel energetically/ spiritually/ emotionally? This can be a quick practice before you even get out of bed. Or you can journal it out if you prefer! Then use that information to guide your day when you can… How might you best serve yourself knowing how you are feeling today?

  11. Move in a new way.

    • Come to a different class at the studio- if you always come to Build or Sweat, try a Balance or vice versa. Rent bikes for the day with your kids or family. Go to a new style of fitness or movement class you’ve never been to. Lift weights. Again- the sky is the limit. Moving your body in different ways is good for bone, muscle, and tissue strength, as well as balance and overall functionality of movement!

  12. Have a dance party for 1. Throw on your favorite music and dance the way your body wants you to! Be silly. Let go. There is no one watching. Explore how your body WANTS to move instead of moving how you think you’re “supposed to” or in a way that “looks good”.

  13. Watch a show in a new language.

    • Not only will you maybe learn something about a new culture, it exposes your brain to a new language! Plus, it is considered a mindfulness exercise since you have to focus on the captions and can’t generally double task when doing so. Here are some of our team’s favorites from Netflix. Hometown Cha Cha Cha, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Itaewon Class, Money Heist: Korea, any of the Too Hot to Handle/ Love Island’s, Cable Girls, Babylon Berlin.

  14. Listen to a new style of music. Change things up from your usual go- to playlists. There is so much music at our finger tips these days- so take advantage of it!

  15. Try a new routine or habit.

    • Is there a habit or routine you’ve been wanting to try to incorporate? Instead of setting strict parameters around it ( for example- waking up at 5am to journal for an hour every day), simply explore the habit. Maybe one day you wake up and decide to journal for 5 minutes. Later in the week you end up journaling for 30 minutes. What’s it feel like to journal at night vs. in the morning? Get curious about the habit and explore different variations of it. This way, you’re more likely to find a version you like, which will lead you to stick with it! You can also explore your current habits and routines if they are feeling stagnant. Try switching things up a bit- and remember that exploring is kind of like an experiment… you can try something and if it doesn’t work out, go back to the way it was before with some new information about yourself!

  16. Go to an event or class that’s outside of your comfort zone.

    • This can be a great way to meet new people, explore new hobbies, and learn new information- all in one swing! Here are some ideas… join a book club, take a cooking or painting class, find a local events page and start there, take a Masterclass online!

  17. Try a new restaurant. Make a list of some places you’ve never been but would like to go. Bonus points if it is a type of food you’ve never had!

  18. Plan a trip. This one feels pretty obvious, but travel is an excellent way to explore. With that said- even planning a trip that you aren’t going on can cultivate a sense of exploration… simply learning about and researching a new place!

  19. Follow social media that broadens your horizons and challenges your status quo.

    • With today’s algorithms, our social media feeds can just be regurgitation of the same types of people, ideas, and places we always see. Follow people with different perspectives or different body types. Follow accounts who post content about a topic you want to learn more about or explore. You might be surprised what a big effect this can have on you!

  20. Mindful walks. Similar to the walking barefoot exercise- but this time with shoes on!

    • Go for a walk- maybe your usual route or maybe in a new place- without your air pods. Really look at your surroundings. Feel the ground as you walk. Notice sounds or the way the sun shines through the trees.

    • Once you’re done exploring your environment, explore your mind! Think about a topic that has been on your mind as you walk… maybe its an project you’re excited about for work, or maybe it’s an unhelpful thought pattern that has been popping up for you lately. Get curious about the topic and let your mind wander on the subject. Even just 10 minutes of a mindful walk can be hugely beneficial!

  21. Cook a new type of food. Switch up your cooking routine! Pick a dish or cuisine you love but have never cooked. Research recipes, gather ingredients, and get cooking!

  22. Change your environment. A great way to cultivate exploration is by changing your daily habits and environment.

    • If you have a certain path you walk in your neighborhood- walk the other way! Usually spend your mornings in the kitchen? Try the study or living room. Have a single coffee shop you work at every Wednesday? Try out a different one this week! Get curious about what you like and what you don’t- who knows… you may end up finding some new favorite spots!

  23. Consume media with new perspectives- TV, books, podcasts, movies. Explore some new genres, narrators, authors, or ideas. Here are some recs from us!

    • Books- I want to die but I want to eat Tteokbokki- A memoir, I’m Still Here- Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, The Body is Not an Apology, Fearing the Black Body, Body of Truth, The Four Agreements, Do Less, Come as You Are, The Power of Now, Fourth Wing, the Brown Sisters series

    • TV Shows/ Documentaries- Lizzo’s watch out for the big girrrls, Stutz, Ted Lasso, Love on the Spectrum

    • Podcasts- Jay Shetty, Maintenance Phase, Brene Brown

  24. Take a personality test! Ennegram, Meyers-Briggs, Love Language, Human design, Astrology… While there is no end-all be-all and these don’t define you, it can be an interesting way to explore yourself and the way you think!

  25. Start a self exploration journal. There are tons of resources online, and even some journals with built in prompts, but here are some questions to get you started. And remember- approach this with openness, curiosity, and compassion!

    1. When are you the most content? What are you doing? Who are you with? What do those moments feel like?

    2. What do you appreciate about yourself and your personality? What parts do you find harder to accept? How might you begin to challenge the narrative?

    3. Describe yourself with the first 10 words that come to mind

    4. List 3 personal beliefs or values and why they are important to you

    5. List 3 personal beliefs you are wiling to reconsider or further explore.

    6. What is a self care practice you would like to explore this month? How might you explore it?

    7. When do you trust yourself most? When do you find it harder to have faith in your instincts? What do those parts of you need to trust you?

    8. When do you feel the most YOU?

    9. What parts of your daily life most frequently cause stress or frustration? Why? How might you decrease these experiences or the intensity of their effect on you?

    10. What are the “little things” that bring you the most joy?

    I hope your summer is full of exploration and adventure! Let us know which one’s are your favorite!

    xo, Ali


What Pure Balance means to me


setting intentions not resolutions