setting intentions not resolutions

It’s that time of year again. Social media is plastered with “New Year, New Me” posts. Ads are selling the latest and greatest weight loss and diet programs. People are setting resolutions, and making promises of change… it all can get a bit overwhelming, can’t it? You wanna know my secret? I don’t set resolutions. I set intentions.. I set goals for my business. I pray for possibilities to come. But I don’t do resolutions. Why not? Because resolutions tend to imply that you need to drastically change something about yourself before stepping in to the new year. New Years used to be my favorite holiday… all the glitz and the glam of New Year’s eve followed by a new energy and fresh start. The excitement of a new year ahead with endless possibilities. And I LOVE a good goal setting session. But somewhere along the way, things shifted. Social media and all this messaging of weight loss and diets and detoxes made me think that there was something flawed about me that I had to fix before I could “live my best life.” That the number on the scale, or the size of my jeans determined what kind of year I was going to have. That I needed to be “healthier” first, then I could have the year that was meant for me. Instead of feeling hope and excitement for the future like I used to, I felt like I had to make radical changes to my life and who I was in order to receive the future I was hoping for. The message I received from the media was that I was not yet worthy of the life I wanted, so I must change myself first to get there. Sound familiar? Change, growth, and learning about yourself along the way are the most beautiful parts of life. But don’t for one second let someone convince you that you have to change anything about yourself to be worthy. You, right now, as you are, have inherent worth. And your worth damn sure has nothing to do with the size of your jeans or the number on the scale. This year, I encourage you to look at the new year a little differently. Instead of trying to change yourself with resolutions, set intentions to take care of yourself. Find ways to nourish your body, mind, and soul on a more regular basis. Make time to do more of the things you love and less of the things you hate. Learn to say no. Move your body to remind yourself of how strong you really are and to celebrate all that you are capable of, not as a form of punishment for something you ate. Nourish your body with food that fuels the life you want to live- and eat food that you enjoy! Surround yourself with people who cheer you on and lift you up. Slow down, take a deep breath, and rest when needed. Take care of yourself. YOU'RE WORTH IT.



Exploration Practices


being present and finding joy in the process